The founding members, experts in their respective fields, founded the An’D WHoO Experts for Working in Home – O ffice brand so that you can access the entire breadth of
Tag: 29. Januar 2021
WHoO is on the TeamWHoO is on the Team
Drei Gründungsmitglieder, Experten in Ihren jeweiligen Bereichen, gründeten die Marke WHoO Experts for Working in Home-Office, damit Sie auf die gesamte Breite des benötigten Know-How Bedarfs für dezentrales Arbeiten zugreifen können. WHoO is
Who WHoO is – a home office consulting companyWho WHoO is – a home office consulting company
In 2020 it suddenly became clear that mobile working and home office will spread rapidly as a result of measures taken by Covid-19. For many companies, this is a completely